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It's Okay to Lose Them

Imagine a world where our relationships with others never failed us.

We never got into arguments with friends, we never broke up with our partners, we never wanted someone that we couldn't have. One would think that this would make our lives much easier. While this may be true, the other part we forget to consider is how much of ourselves we wouldn't discover.

When a relationship stops being perfect, we have to learn more about ourselves. Figure out what we did, said, or even didn't do or say that made the relationship go from perfect to realistic. We do some self reflecting to figure out how we can better ourselves to make our relationship more healthy and perfect again. This is the first thing we get out relationships becoming imperfect...GROWTH.

In another situation we have imperfect relationships that make us realize everything we want or don't want in a relationship. Human connection is key to our survival. There are billions of people on this Earth and we have chosen a small group of those billion to have relationships and connections with. Why did we choose these people? What drew us in and made us want to develop this relationship? Regardless of whether the relationship has its ups or downs, what made these people worth every down? What made them worth the fight to keep the relationship alive? This is the next thing that we get out of relationships with others...CHOICE.

One thing I have learned from going away to college is all the different things we as humans see through our own eyes. What our different households and parenting styles shaped us into and have different we can be from the people we are around. When I got to college I had a routine that I stuck to, a particular way I believed situations should be handled, how I thought that people were supposed to act and what I grew up viewing as right or wrong. Not to say that the way I lived life was wrong, but it isn't the only way to make it by day to day. Being surrounded by other people that have different religious backgrounds, different schooling, different parental guidelines, different values and morals, challenged me to step outside of my box and see life through someone else's eyes. In doing this, I learned new things, matured and was able to thank the people that I had relationships with teaching me so much about what else life had to offer me outside of my box. This is the last thing that we get from relationships...EXPERIENCE.

All in all, the thing that I have learned the most about relationships with people is that there is a reason that of all the billions of people on this planet, they are in your life and you have the bond that you have with them. If you feel like the relationship isn't helping you with your growth, choice and experience in life then it may be time to discover new relationships and leave those ones behind. We have all had relationships that just didn't work out whether that be with a boyfriend, best friend or even friend at all, and although it may have been difficult to let them go, we took away valuable lessons, picked up our heads and made new relationships with others. I am learning to keep my circle small and enjoy the few relationships I have for everything that they have to offer. It is important to spend quality time with the people that will help with your growth, choice and experience, rather than wasting time on many relationships that you aren't getting anything out of. We will never stop losing relationships with people, it is part of life and part of how we learn. Learn to be okay with letting go of relationships that you don't need. Do a relationship detox and hold onto to the one's that add important and meaning into your life.

P.S. If you are one of the few people in my small circle, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have taught me. I will continue to grow because of you and hope our relationship never fails.

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